woman from Ghana sitting outside and weaves Frafra basket

Why Our Handwoven Baskets from Ghana Won't Join the Black Friday Sales

As the Black Friday buzz starts to build, we thought it was the perfect time to share why we won't be participating in the shopping extravaganza this year. It comes down to our commitment to cultural appreciation, ethical practices, and sustainable values. 


Honouring Craftsmanship

Our handwoven baskets are more than just functional pieces; they are a testament to the incredible craftsmanship of our artisans in Ghana. Black Friday, often associated with rushed purchases and mass consumption, doesn't align with our goal of honouring the time and skill that goes into creating each unique basket. We'd rather highlight the artistry and creativity than rush the process.


Fairness and Ethics

women from Ghana sitting outside and weaves the basket

Black Friday can sometimes push businesses to compromise on fair wages and ethical practices in the pursuit of steep discounts. We're committed to ensuring that our artisans receive fair compensation for their work and that our practices reflect our ethical standards. By sitting out Black Friday, we're avoiding the temptation to cut corners on what matters most to us.


Sustainability in Focus

Environmental responsibility is a cornerstone of our values. Black Friday often contributes to excess production, transportation, and waste. By steering clear of the Black Friday hype, we aim to reduce our environmental footprint and encourage mindful consumption. Our focus remains on creating sustainable, quality products rather than contributing to a culture of disposability.


Building Lasting Connections

Ghana weavers women dancing outside

Our business thrives on relationships—with both our customers and the talented artisans who bring our baskets to life. Rather than emphasising a one-time transaction during Black Friday, we prefer to build lasting connections. Our regular pricing reflects our commitment to consistent support for our artisans and a dedication to sustaining relationships with our customers.

Ultimately, we're taking a step back from the Black Friday rush to stay true to our values. Our decision reflects our dedication to celebrating craftsmanship, upholding ethical standards, promoting sustainability, and fostering connections that go beyond a single shopping event.

That’s not to say we don’t occasionally do sales; we do. But they’re very measured and take place when we know we can take on the cost of sales so that our weavers don’t have to. 🌍🧺✨

Olivia Peterson

Olivia joined Frafra Baskets in March 2022. She has since made several trips to Ghana and has a background in African Studies and Contemporary Art from Africa and its diaspora. She leads the UK side and works alongside Pokka on operations in Ghana.

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